
Wines produced following respectful viticultural and oenological practices can boast the "Green-Wine" certification:
  • of the environment;
  • consumer health and well-being.
The "Green Wine" production specification provides:

An eco-sustainable viticulture

Only certified S.Q.N.P.I. grapes are used. (National Quality System for Integrated Productions)
The norms foreseen for the S.Q.N.P.I. are defined by the Ministry of Agriculture and foresee agronomic practices that:
  • they aim at reducing the use of plant protection products: 
  • phytosanitary products with active ingredients targeted on the agent of the disease are used;
  • treatments are carried out only when necessary based on weather forecasts;
  • the fungicide is distributed in a targeted manner on the plants to be protected; must not be dispersed into the environment (recovery atomisers are used).
  • promote biodiversity:
  • weeds are controlled in the sub-row only with mechanical processing, herbicides are excluded;
  • the inter-rows are mowed alternately in order to allow insects to move and repair in the inter-rows not affected by the mowing.

Consumer health protection

In the wine production process the following are totally excluded:
  • the use of sulphites:
  • Sulphites are toxic substances that are commonly added to the must to control and select the indigenous grape microflora to avoid organoleptic deviations; today, technological progress makes it possible to obtain excellent wines without the use of sulfur.
  • the addition of preservatives:
  • By following good oenological practices, excellent wines are obtained that do not require chemical products for their conservation.

Good wines from an organoleptic point of view

A panel of tasters certifies that Geen-Wine wines have no organoleptic defects and that they comply with the standards set in the disciplinary for D.O.C wines, in order to ensure the consumer a wine of the highest quality.
Green Wine Certificate
Vitasana 4.0 S.R.L.S.
Via Guicciardini, 2/2
31049 Valdobbiadene (TV)
C.F. e P.IVA 05045880266
Capitale Sociale iv € 1.000,00
REA n° TV 421408